Core Values

Goldzone Organization Core Values

Our core values and beliefs are a set of guiding principles and beliefs that are important to how we operate.

Our core values are:

  • To deliver the latest, most relevant, educational information that inspires people to change their limiting beliefs and patterns to ones that support them in getting what they want from life.
  • To constantly look for ways to innovate, add value, and pioneer faster, more effective ways to train, support and educate.
  • To constantly strive to earn the trust and respect of people by always delivering what is promised in a predictable and consistent way.
  • To keep all agreements, and if broken, communicate to the person as soon as possible to make a new agreement.
  • Treat all people – customers, suppliers, and colleagues fairly and with the utmost respect, even though there may be differences.
  • To serve customers, suppliers, and colleagues so they feel very important and special.
  • Commit to excellence in everything we do, be the best we can be, and constantly look for ways and areas to improve ourselves, our service, our products, and our organization.
  • To uphold the highest levels of honesty and integrity, both personally and professionally.
  • To always charge fair prices for our products and services.  Our prices reflect the cost of research, development, production, distribution, support, and sufficient profits to continue our work.
  • To find and implement a solution when we see something that is not working.
  • To always speak with good purpose about people, always looking for the good in them and the situation – never will we criticize, condemn or complain about people.
  • To not form opinions from one source of information, to always seek out the facts – before reaching a conclusion.
  • To express our sincere appreciation and gratitude when someone helps us or does us a favor.
  • To always honor and acknowledge sources when we use and apply what we learn from others.
  • To acknowledge and encourage our customers, suppliers, and colleagues’ individuality, right to personal sovereignty, and freedom to be their own advisor and keep their own council.